Saorsa Menopause Consultants Glasgow Logo

Let's Talk Menopause

Understanding what menopause is, when it will happen and how you can manage your symptoms is key to being able to advocate for your own health and well-being during this time of life.

This is a light-hearted and interactive session that comprehensively covers all aspects of menopause. You’ll hear about Saorsa’s founders lived experiences and how they navigated their transition through menopause.

Covered during this session

  • What is menopause?
    What is menopause?
  • Hormones, symptoms and their impacts
    Hormones, symptoms and their impacts
  • Risks to health during menopause
    Risks to health during menopause
  • What helps?
    What helps?
  • Discussions with you GP
    Discussions with you GP

Duration & Delivery:

This is a comprehensive workshop that covers all aspects of menopause e.g. the stages of menopause, when it occurs, the symptoms and impacts, how to get the best from your GP and much more

Duration:  Approx 2 hours (including time for Q&A)

Max Numbers:  30 in person / 50 online

If you would like Saorsa Menopause Consultancy to deliver a workshop or for more information, please get in touch.

Bespoke Sessions

All of our workshops can be tailored to meet your individual business needs or combined to create fun and interactive half or full day sessions.

Please contact us to discuss in more detail.

Menopause Policy Guide

Does your business have a Menopause Guide or Policy?
If not Saorsa Menopause Consultancy can help.

Please contact us to discuss in more detail.

Saorsa Menopause Consultancy Glasgow

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